Monday, April 25, 2011

How to Handle Quit Smoking Withdrawal...

How to Handle Quit Smoking Withdrawal Symptoms - The thing that most people dread about quitting smoking is the with...

Is the Zyban Quit Smoking Aid a Good ...

Is the Zyban Quit Smoking Aid a Good Option for You? - Wouldn't it be wonderful if there was a pill to help you kick...

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Withdrawal Symptoms after Quitting Sm...

Withdrawal Symptoms after Quitting Smoking - Trying to quit smoking is not an easy feat there are withdrawal symptom...

Tips to Help Someone Quit Smoking - M...

Tips to Help Someone Quit Smoking - Many non-smokers are interested in learning how to help someone quit smoking. If...

Free Quit Smoking Hypnosis Programs C...

Free Quit Smoking Hypnosis Programs Can Be the Key to Kicking the Habit

Why Quit Smoking? - Why Quit Smoking?...

Why Quit Smoking? - Why Quit Smoking? If you're a smoker, you may have family or friends who are trying to get you t...

Your Doctor Can Help You Quit Smoking...

Your Doctor Can Help You Quit Smoking - You know that quitting smoking will result in better health and perhaps a lo...

Benefits to Quitting Smoking - Almost...

Benefits to Quitting Smoking - Almost everyone is aware of how dangerous smoking is to your health. But even though ...

You CAN quit smoking - It's not unusu...

You CAN quit smoking - It's not unusual to hear life-long smokers say, "I can't quit smoking." You CAN quit smoking ...

Quit Smoking Prescription - Have you ...

Quit Smoking Prescription - Have you ever thought of going to the doctor for a quit smoking prescription? You know t...

Questions about Quitting Smoking

If you're a smoker, you may have family or friends who are trying to get you to quit smoking. But the truth is that no one can make you quit. You must ask yourself the question, "Why quit smoking?" and then come up with answers that are meaningful to you. Of course, for many people the primary reason to stop smoking is to improve their health and avoid smoking-related diseases.

Questions about Quitting Smoking

It has been scientifically proven that giving up cigarettes can extend your life. If you stop smoking and become a non-smoker, you may live for many more years than you would have as a smoker. You should also realize that it is never too late to quit and that quitting for even a short time will quickly result in health improvements.

Quitting smoking is quite possibly the best thing you can do for your health. One thing is for sure: you will never regret giving up cigarettes. Now, let's say you've come up with your own answers to the question, "Why quit smoking?" At this point, there are many smoking cessation methods and treatments that can assist you in achieving your goal.


Benefits to Quitting Smoking

Almost everyone is aware of how dangerous smoking is to your health. But even though smokers have heard all the warnings, this information alone is not enough to make them stop. If you're thinking about giving up smoking, you may need extra ammunition for your quit smoking decision. You need to understand the benefits of becoming a non-smoker. Then you will feel more motivated to quit the habit immediately.

Benefits to Quitting Smoking

It might surprise you to learn that as soon as you stop smoking, your entire body starts the recovery process. It's been proven that in as little as 20 minutes after your last cigarette, you will see positive changes in your body such as a lower heart rate, a decrease in blood pressure, and a more normal body temperature. You can even test this out for yourself.

The longer you go without a cigarette, the more benefits your body experiences. Within seven hours from your last cigarette, your blood circulation improves, carbon monoxide levels in the blood decrease, and oxygen levels increase. At the same time, the level of nicotine in your body will dwindle.


You Never Need to Say "I Can't Quit S...

You Never Need to Say "I Can't Quit Smoking" - It's not unusual to hear life-long smokers say, "I can't quit smoking...

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Benefits of Quitting Smoking - Almost...

Benefits of Quitting Smoking - Almost everyone is aware of how dangerous smoking is but not the obvious benefits of ...

Withdrawal Symptoms of Quitting Smoking

The thing that most people dread about quitting smoking is the withdrawal. The side effects of quit smoking withdrawals are different for each person, but they can be very uncomfortable and disruptive. In fact, the symptoms can be so painful and annoying that people will often lose their resolve and go back to smoking, even though they know perfectly well how dangerous their smoking bad habit is.

However, there are ways to make the quit smoking withdrawals easier to cope with. You don't have to struggle with the withdrawal side effects on your own. Before you quit smoking, it's helpful to know what symptoms to expect and why your body reacts in this way. Most importantly, you must realize that the symptoms are short-lived and there are many treatments available to ease the discomfort you may feel.

Some of the most common withdrawal symptoms include cravings, restlessness, headaches, and dizziness. Feelings of anxiety, depression, irritability, and anger are possible. You may have trouble concentrating and feel very fatigued. You might also experience constipation, weight gain, and other physical symptoms.

If you happen to have any of these side effects, keep in mind that they will only last a short time. There are ways to treat the quit smoking withdrawals so that the discomfort is less intense. If you can just tolerate the withdrawal symptoms for a little while, you will succeed in quitting smoking and you will be a happy non-smoker for the rest of your life.

The longer you are able to go without a cigarette, the more likely you will stay smoke-free forever. You will find that the withdrawal symptoms usually strike within the first 48 hours of quitting and can last for anywhere from two days to a week. If you can tough it out for the first week after quitting, you will find it fairly easy to continue to stay away from smoking. But if the withdrawal symptoms defeat you and you succumb to the urge to smoke, you will have to go through the entire quitting and withdrawal process again.

The trick to getting through the quit smoking withdrawals is to know what symptoms to expect and to find ways to deal with those symptoms. It's not a bad idea to talk to your doctor about treatments. He or she may be able to prescribe a medication that will relieve your unpleasant symptoms.

When you're trying to stop smoking, don't be afraid to ask for support from others if you need it. Most of all be sure to have a plan in place to deal with quit smoking withdrawals. Then you are likely to succeed in breaking the smoking habit.

Quit Smoking Today Review - Quit Smok...

Quit Smoking Today Review - Quit Smoking Today is a revolutionary stop smoking system that relies on the power of yo...

How Can You Stop Smoking | How can yo...

How Can You Stop Smoking | How can you stop smoking now - How many times have you asked How can you stop smoking and...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Crash Diets: Are They Good For Losing...

Crash Diets: Are They Good For Losing Weight? - Crash diets are any diets that are designed to make you lose weight ...

Monday, April 18, 2011

What is Lapband Surgery - Lets start ...

What is Lapband Surgery - Lets start this post on what is lapband surgery by just letting me say that I hate the ide...

Celiac disease Gluten Intolerance is...

Celiac disease Gluten Intolerance issues - Celiac disease, more commonly known as gluten intolerance, affects one i...

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Pine Mouth - I have never experienced...

Pine Mouth - I have never experienced this myself but just noticed that the FDA is letting people know about a me

Acne No More review Thousands of ...

Acne No More review

Thousands of women and men of every age have completely cured their acne condition and achieved lasting clear skin naturally, without drugs, over the counters, creams or “magic potions,” simply by using the clinically proven, scientifically-accurate step by step method found inside this amazing acne freedom guidebook.

Acne No More

Mike Walden, a certified nutritionist, health consultant and author has not just pumped out yet another “acne cure program” into an already over-saturated market. Mike’s Acne No More can be more accurately described as an “Acne Bible.” It is quite simply one of the most comprehensive, complete, and precise guides to acne freedom you will ever read. What makes it so much different than other clear skin publications on the market?

Change your life with a bunch of litt...

Change your life with a bunch of little questions - If you want to make changes in your life you need to look at two...

Saturday, April 16, 2011

How to pop a zit Everyone know tha...

How to pop a zit

Everyone know that you are not supposed to pop a zit but for all of us it is a very difficult thing not to do. I have lots of scars from having big zits over the years but most of those scars are because I would have a deep cyst and as it swelled my skin it stretched it.

We are all worried about how we look when we do have a zit but the important thing is to make sure that if we are really going to pop a zit that we do it in the most safe way possible and at the same time make sure we can heal and that the zit will not come back up again.

So if you want to pop a zit then there are a few rules and a good way to pop it as well.

How to pop a zit

First of all the zit needs to have a whitehead on it. If there is not whitehead then what are you going to pop?

Next Make sure that the center of the zit seems to be very soft.

Okay her we go. Time to take out that zit.

1. Disinfect a needle with 99% rubbing alcohol. You should find a very thin needle for this as you do want to minimize the size of the hole
2. Slide the needle in just a little. You want to pierce the skin but don't want to go deeper than that.
3. Get two pieces of toilet paper and dip them in the alcohol.
4. Squeeze by trying to force the pus and watery substance to come out

How important is salt in weight loss ...

How important is salt in weight loss

I know dozens of women who have reduced their weight by the low-salt method. Like all other diets, it is a method to be considered only if approved by your own physician. Water retention is certainly often a serious cause of overweight.

The usual low-sodium diet calls for liquid restriction, also. The regulation reduction diet is followed, omitting practically all salt. Some salt will be in food, of course, especially if you eat in restaurants. But no extra salt must be added. Besides this, no liquids must be taken at meals. No liquids at all! Between meals, liquids may be taken, the amount depending on your own condition and your own doctor.

Vivian Blaine, the beautiful young actress, whose figure is exceptionally slender and attractive, told me that her successful weight reduction is the result of liquid restriction. She weighed 150 pounds and was told she was too fat for the stage or Hollywood. She dieted down to 130 pounds, then couldn't lose another ounce,

How important is salt in weight loss

"The studio thought I was cheating," she told me. "I wasn't at all. I ate what I was told. But I drank a lot of water and juices, with meals, too. Then another doctor put me on a water-restricted diet. I drink only four glasses of water a day--and not with meals. My weight is 115 pounds--which is just right for me. Of course, I'm still careful of my diet--and of the amount of liquids I consume."

Four women prominent in public life have recently lost twenty pounds each by giving up salt--and water-- at their meals.

If you are on a low-salt diet and can't enjoy your food without the flavor that salt gives it, I can recommend a number of substitutes. There are dozens of substitutes on sale at the health shops. The one I like best is "Diasal," manufactured by E. Fourgera, and consisting of potassium chloride and glutamic acid. "Fortissimo Brand Seasoning," made by Isrin-Oliver, "Gustamate," made by the Arlington Chemical Company, and "Co-Salt," made by Cassimir Funk Laboratories, are all good, too. Not nearly as good as real salt--sodium chloride--but very satisfactory for seasoning, when sodium is not indicated.

Energy Bars What to look for in Ener...

Energy Bars What to look for in Energy Bars - Many of us eat energy bars, protein bars or the like, I found this sh...

Weight Loss Eating - who are you? ...

Weight Loss Eating - who are you?

I know I have had to curb some of my weight loss eating to lose weight.

When I was young, before I went to bed at night, I got nothing but a few pieces of milk chocolate in colored foil wrappings that my mother bought especially for me, and a glass of milk accompanied by a piece of nearly plain cake or a few cookies. Of course, when there was company, I was allowed a nibble of imported cheese, a stuffed devilled egg, a few beaten biscuits or cold fried chicken, finished off with a dish of ice cream or sherbet or fruit cake.

So you can see why, even now, it's hard for me to stay on the diet I try to follow, and why I've invented special dishes in an effort to recapture some of the forbidden flavors of my youth. But I do diet, which îs better for my figure and, I believe, for my health, than if I stuck with the Arkansas menus of my youth.

Your own problem is undoubtedly a much different one. But I thought you might like to know what I've been up against.

Weight Loss Eating - who are you?

Instead of the luxuries of childhood, the fat person, today, may have had an entirely different upbringing. He may have been too poor. The fare may have been too meager. So he dreamed of the time he could eat all he wanted of rich and, at that time, unattainable food. Food represents to him luxury and, in a way, success. They tell me that when you see a fat man in a restaurant surrounded by young and attractive people--younger and more attractive than he is--and when he is obviously the host, that he is compensating for past poverty and present fat by giving lavishly.

Showing that, as host, he is important, fits in. If he'd diet he'd feel better, and probably live longer and be just as popular. But his very weight, his unnecessary fat, represents, to him, his material success. To those who understand him, it sometimes represents the poverty of his youth--in a way, the fulfilment of his dreams. When he faces things, faces himself, he'll pay more attention to his inner needs, and less attention to attracting others. He'll diet, get a chance to look and feel well, and find that he's more successful, and has more friends than ever before.

Beginners guide to muscle gain The...

Beginners guide to muscle gain

There are several reasons that people do not lift weights but several more reasons why it is important to add weightlifting to your health and fitness regimen.

First of all did you know that fewer that 10% of the population actually does any weightlifting in their pursuit of fitness? I know that the number is low for a few reasons.

1. It is hard to do weights, People don't like to sweat.
2. Women especially are scared of becoming muscle bound like some freaky looking female bodybuilder
3. Most people just do not know why weghtlifting is important and how to do it correctly.

Hard to do weights? Don't like to sweat? One of the really tough things about getting started lifting weights is that you think that you need to be in the gym for a couple of hours every day. To start with as a beginning weightlifter you do not need to do more than 30 to 40 minutes of weights three times a week and instead of making these workouts longer over time you will just make then more intense.

Beginners guide to muscle gain

Women have a really hard time building the msucle that it takes to get really huge looking. If you look at the fitness athletes now or even the female bodybuilders of just a few years ago and think of all the hours that they had to spend in the gym to get that kind of form then you will realize that you will get toned and strong a lot faster then you are going to get big and bulky. Don't be scared of that at this point at all.

Finally the unknown, I am hoping that ove the next week you will leanr all that you need to get started lifting weights and hopefully you will see in the next few points why you should lift weights before we get into the how of weightlifting and you get started.

So now that I have put your mind at ease about weightlifting lets look at the reasons why you should be weightlifing.

Blueberry Power - The health benefits...

Blueberry Power - The health benefits of blueberries have made the news in recent years. Some of the reported benefi...

Laser acne treatments Many of us h...

Laser acne treatments

Many of us have suffered with acne and lately many of us have also looked at Laser Acne Treatments for curing stubborn acne. But is this a new and great advance that will help you get rid of acne or is it just another gimmick. i had to research a bit to find out.

History of Laser Acne Treatments
Lasers have been around since 1958 and have been used for many things besides treating acne. Lasers are being used for increasing blood flow and destroying stray cartilage in joints as well as eye surgery like Lasik. The first devices and studies for acne treatment with lasers occured around 2002 or 2003 so this is a relatively new use of the technology.

What is Laser acne treatments

First of all there are two ways that you can use a laser to help acne prone skin, first there is the killing and geting rid of acne Using a single beam of light has two effects on your skin. It has a dual action where acne is concerned. First it kills the bacteria that are responsible for the outbreaks of acne. Next it also causes the sebaceous glands to shrink. The sebaceous glands are oil glands, which secrete oil to nourish the skin. This oil blocks the hair follicles and causes acne. Shrinking the oil glands causes decreased sebum production and decrease in acne outbreaks.

Also lasers can be sued to burn out or bleach discolorations in your skin. This is known as Laser acne scar treatment and is really a completely different cosmetic application of using lasers.

How to find a diet that works If y...

How to find a diet that works

If you are reading this article, then it means that you are looking for how to find a diet that works which would help you lose weight quickly and easily. With so many crummy diets out there, it is easy to get distracted and confused by the information overload.

There are so many 'quick ways' and 'easy ways' to lose weight but most of these ways lead to frustration and disappointment, rather than weight loss. As a matter of fact, there are diets which would make your wallet empty but won't help you lose even one pound of fat. You obviously need to avoid such diets. In this article I will tell you about the best and worst diets for weight loss.

So what works for long term? How to find a diet that works? Just healthy diets. But how do you know which diets are healthy and which are not? Check the following points to find out:

How to find a diet that works

1. If the diet's focus is on crash dieting, starving and other unhealthy weight loss techniques rather than proper nutrition in the form of minerals, vitamins, proteins, etc., then this is not the diet that would help you with weight loss.

2. If the diet program says that you can lose weight simply by eating cabbage juice, avoid it, because it is obviously a ridiculous claim.

3. Have others found success with this particular diet? Check to see if the salespage contains testimonials from actual users, and more importantly, check if the testimonials talk about results instead of how great the diet is.

The secret in your mind that helps yo...

The secret in your mind that helps you lose weight

The number one stumbling block between you and your weight loss goal is your mindset! Yup, if you want to lose weight, you need to change your mindset first. People fail to lose weight not just because of following fad diets or useless diet pills, but also because they have a negative mindset.

Consciously, they believe that they need to work hard to lose weight, but their subconscious minds are full of doubts regarding the possibility of weight loss success! If you have full confidence in yourself and your goals, and if you know how much weight you have to lose, then chances are that you will be successful in getting rid of the fat belly and flabby arms which bother you so much!

But how do you change your mindset? In this article I will tell you how to do it.

The secret in your mind that helps you lose weight

Let me clarify one thing first: usually, all people start with a positive mind and loads of hope, but all that positivity and hope are dashed to pieces as soon as they are faced with bitter reality in the form of restricted diets and rigorous workouts! It is then that these people give up! Therefore, maintaining a positive mindset throughout your life is even more important than starting with one!

Here are some of the things you can do to get rid of your negative mindset:

1. Turn your bad habits into good: I know this is tough, but not impossible. Do you always eat more than you should? Studies point out that most people overeat not out of hunger but for the purpose of deriving emotional comfort from foods! Since no other food could give anyone more pleasure and comfort than junk foods, so these people gorge on them as much as they can! Unless you can get rid of this unhealthy eating habit, you cannot expect to lose weight!

Cardio Tennis - As we all know tennis...

Cardio Tennis - As we all know tennis is great exercise for brief periods of time. When I was younger I played a lot

Drinking to lose weight You have h...

Drinking to lose weight

You have heard it time and again that drinking too much can make you overweight. Well, those who say that don't tell you the complete truth. As a matter of fact, there are two types of drinks: healthy and unhealthy. Unhealthy drinks such as alcohol, soda, fizzy drinks, processed fruit juice packages, etc., can make you overweight.

On the other hand, there are certain healthy drinks which can actually help you burn fat and lose weight! The major advantage of these drinks that they are completely natural and 100% safe to take! In this article I am going to tell you about those two drinks!

Now before I mention those two 'weight loss drinks', I want to make sure that you are aware of two basic principles of weight loss:

Drinking to lose weight

1. You cannot expect to lose weight by fasting: Fasting for religious reasons is alright, but if you are fasting in the hope of quick weight loss, then you are going in the wrong direction. Fasting serves no purpose; even if you lose a few pounds in the beginning, that 'weight loss' would be short-lived.

When your break your fast, and start eating normally (and trust me, this time you will eat more than your usual diet), you will be back to square one! So make sure that you eat healthy meals which contain a considerable portion of carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins, minerals, etc. Don't skip either of these essential components or you will be sorry.

2. The second thing to note is that if you hate exercises and still want to lose weight fast, you better stop reading now! I don't want to lie to you by saying that you can lose weight without the help of workouts. While you don't need to do strenuous or rigorous workouts for the purpose of weight loss, you NEED to workout regularly. Even simple cardios can help you burn fat and lose weight. If you do nothing else, at least try to walk a few miles every day.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Is Acai Berry good for Weight Loss? ...

Is Acai Berry good for Weight Loss?

A new way of losing those extra pounds is not by starving but rather by eating certain special foods which help a person burn fat by boosting his metabolism. Such foods are also known as 'weight loss super foods'. One such super food is the Acai Berry. It is being cultivated in the forest of Amazon for centuries and the natives have been using it for thousands of years to cure digestive problems, insomnia as well as to take care of their skin!

Very recently however, it was discovered that Acai Berry also enhances a person's metabolism, thereby helping him burn fat! In this article I will go into more detail regarding this.

Is Acai Berry good for Weight Loss?

Do you know that Acai Berry can also combat with deadly diseases such as cancer? Yes, very recently the local Brazilians have found out that it has the ability to destroy at least 80% of cancerous cells within a human body.

This doesn't however mean that it can cure cancer; but it surely reveals the importance of Acai Berry with regards to a person's health, and that when preparing medicines for cancer, Acai Berry could be used as one of the main components!

The original Acai Berry is a little fruit of purple color! It is rich in various vitamins and minerals, such as omega 3 fatty acids (unsaturated fats), Vitamin E, amino acids, protein, Vitamin B1, and of course, Vitamin A! In fact, studies have revealed that Acai Berry is even more nutritious than grapefruit and blueberries. As you can see, if you eat only Acai Berry and nothing else, your body will get all the nutrition it needs for the day.

Exercise for fatty thighs If you a...

Exercise for fatty thighs

If you are desperate to lose weight, and don't know where to start, read this short article right now. Reading it will probably take five minutes of your precious time at most, and trust me, you will later realize that those five minutes have been one of your best investments on weight loss! With the methods I am going to tell you about, you will lose weight faster than you would with fad diets and diet pills.

1. First way to get rid of fatty thighs: Everyone tells you how to lose belly fat, both rarely, if ever, does one focus on your fatty thighs which look equally ugly! Fortunately, there is an easy and free way to get rid of fatty thighs as well.

Exercise for fatty thighs

If you are desperate to lose weight, and don't know where to start, read this short article right now. Reading it will probably take five minutes of your precious time at most, and trust me, you will later realize that those five minutes have been one of your best investments on weight loss! With the methods I am going to tell you about, you will lose weight faster than you would with fad diets and diet pills.

1. First way to get rid of fatty thighs: Everyone tells you how to lose belly fat, both rarely, if ever, does one focus on your fatty thighs which look equally ugly! Fortunately, there is an easy and free way to get rid of fatty thighs as well.

Have you heard about mini-trampoline jumping? Even though it works great, it is a bit hard for most people. So here is a better alternative for you: instead of jumping over a mini-trampoline, just sway your legs over it and you will see how quickly you acquire slim and sexy legs.

So how do you do it? Simple. Just move your legs back and forth. Okay, it is not that simple; when swaying your legs, you need to make sure that your toes touch the mini-trampoline, otherwise this exercise won't work! It is not much hard, and you can do it anytime.

The biggest benefit of this exercise is that you don't need to spend a lot of time on it. Just spend about twenty minutes to half-an-hour and you will be losing weight fast.

Gain Muscle Weight Fast

There are a few things that you can do to gain muscle weight fast. The first thing to remember is that to gain muscle weight fast you need to take care of your diet, you need to train correctly and finally you need to rest very well so that you can make the most of those workouts.

Gain Muscle Weight Fast

In the last article I pointed out that most people do not use weightlifting as a form of exercise although it is critical to do this instead of just cardio to help drive up your metabolism. There are a few problems though. Most people as they try to gain muscle weight fast make the critical mistake of overtraining while also not eating and resting enough.

So lets look at the proper way for eating, resting and training to maximize gains and minimize overtraining in your quest to gain muscle weight fast.

Eating to Gain Muscle Weight Fast

Eating to gain muscle is critical. Every time that you work out you are going to be breaking down that muscle and you need water and protein to rebuild your muscle bigger and better to handle higher weights. Most people eat very little protein and lots of carbohydrates, especially grains and other white carbs instead of colored vegetables.


Thursday, April 14, 2011

EzineArticles Submission - Submit You...

EzineArticles Submission - Submit Your Best Quality Original Articles For Massive Exposure, Ezine Publishers Get 25 ...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Importance of List Segmentation -...

The Importance of List Segmentation - For many years I have built up these big generalized lists and had some succes...

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Structuring a Weight Workout When...

Structuring a Weight Workout

When you are getting ready to workout the3re are a few things that you can do to make sure that you are getting the most out of your time in the gym.

Here are the steps you will take for your workout each and everytime that you go to the gym

Structuring a Weight Workout

Setup in the car or at the bike rack - When you get to the gym you want to know exactly what you are going to do for a workout before you open that gym door. Is it cardio? What kind of cardio? Are you doing weights? Are you going to work your whole body or just certain bodyparts. This is important to know before you go in to the gym or esle you will take the easy weight out and not do what it takes as well as just bounce around from one piece of equipment to another.

OK, now that you are in the gym it is important to warm up. Do some simple stretches and a few minutes of cardio on a weight day just to get your muscles warmed up. Do not stretch a lot as cold muscles can get pulled very easily from stretching them and then you will be out of the gym for a while healing.

Once the warmup is finished it is time to get to the weight or cardio workout itself. Make sure that you know what your goals are for each exercise and that you are pushing yourself to the edge in every set or piece of cardio equipment. I find that without a push knowing what I want I will do what I did last time. The only way to improve is to move faster and further than the last workout.

While working out I find it important to take lots of water break. The time that you are walking to and from the workout equipment is a perfect time to do two things. During your break you are allowing your muscles to recover from the last exercise and secondly you are getting your focus for the next exercise. Also without water you get dried out and this severely affects your workout anyway.

10 Weight Loss Foods Just a quick...

10 Weight Loss Foods

Just a quick link to a few lists of good weight loss foods See if you are eating these

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Cayenne Pepper Diet There is a bi...

Cayenne Pepper Diet

There is a bit of confusion over a Cayenne Pepper diet that is not really a diet. This is the Master cleanse and is also known as the lemonade diet.

How to Make the Cayenne Pepper Diet

There is not a lot to this diet really. You get some filtered water, squeeze some lemons, add Cayenne Pepper, and then add some Maple syrup.
First one of the problems with this diet is that it is very important to make sure that you are making this right. The right kind of water, the right kind of lemon juice (not from concentrate), and the right kind of maple syrup.
You make this concoction and drink it and eat no food for 10 days. Many people for 30 years have sworn by this diet as being the secret to detoxing their body so that all of the health improvements that you could hope for happen. Better sleep, more energy, better alertness, and fewer aches and pains.

I have to admit that I have not tried this diet before. I am not gutsy enough to go 10 days without food but lots of people are really happy with the results and even lots of famous people have tried it and had great success.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

What Is the Cayenne Pepper Diet?

There is a bit of confusion over a Cayenne Pepper diet that is not really a diet. This is the Master cleanse and is also known as the lemonade diet. The pepper diet has been around for 30 years and is also known as the Mater Cleanse diet and is not really a diet as much as a long cleanse that you do for up to 10 days.

How to Make the Cayenne Pepper Diet

There is not a lot to this diet really. You get some filtered water, squeeze some lemons, add Cayenne Pepper, and then add some Maple syrup.

First one of the problems with this diet is that it is very important to make sure that you are making this right. The right kind of water, the right kind of lemon juice (not from concentrate), and the right kind of maple syrup.

You make this concoction and drink it and eat no food for 10 days. Many people for 30 years have sworn by this diet as being the secret to detoxing their body so that all of the health improvements that you could hope for happen. Better sleep, more energy, better alertness, and fewer aches and pains.

I have to admit that I have not tried this diet before. I am not gutsy enough to go 10 days without food but lots of people are really happy with the results and even lots of famous people have tried it and had great success.

Article Source:


Procrastination and Loss of Opportunity

I and many others have a problems with procrastination. There are a few ways to win the battle of procrastination but one of the big one is to look at the loss of opportunity when it comes to procrastination.

How Procrastination Hurts Us

One of the problems with procrastination is that when we decide through inaction that we are not going to do something then we feel no sense of loss. Often we can find other busywork to stop us from doing important things and make that procrastination seem not quite as bad.

Procrastination and Loss of Opportunity

The real way that procrastination hurts us though is when we have some kind of important opportunity that we miss in life. I am not talking about missed opportunities like buying a winning lottery ticket or finding the love of your life but more commonplace types of opportunities to make change.

Here are some examples of missed opportunities thanks to procrastination


How to lose 20 pounds To get start...

How to lose 20 pounds

To get started on any weight loss goal is easy but you need a strategy and tactics in order to lose 20 pounds in a month. Your strategy towards any goal is the broad strokes, the big concepts that are important.

Here is your weight loss strategy
Increase your resting metabolism

Reduce your calorie intake

Quickly burn calories during cardio and weight workouts

Now that you have a strategy to lose 20 pounds in a month so now you need the tactics that will make it a reality. You need radical changes to lose 5 pounds a week.
Your tactics are the individual things that will make your dream work out for you.

Eating Tactics to lose 20 pounds

How to lose 20 Pounds

Plan your eating the day before – If you plan your eating the night before then you are not going to have to worry about getting into a struggle of eating these crappy foods and instead will know what you are going to eat when.

Eat 5 or 6 small meals a day – This is going to help you to raise your metabolism. When you eat often you are sending a message to your body that you are not going to starve and that you will always have enough to eat.

Have leftovers a lot to make it easier to eat good food – If you make giant helpings of meals then you will have lots of leftovers to choose from. One of the problems that I always hear from people is that they are worried that if they have to eat really often then they will spend their whole life preparing meals. this is just not at all the case.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Importance of Vitamin D Vitamin D ...

Importance of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is found in many dietary sources such as fish, eggs, fortified milk, and cod liver oil. The sun also contributes significantly to the daily production of vitamin D, and as little as 10 minutes of exposure is thought to be enough to prevent deficiencies. The term “vitamin D” refers to several different forms of this vitamin.
Vitamin D

Two forms of Vitamin D are important in humans: ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) and cholecalciferol (vitamin D3). Vitamin D2 is synthesized by plants. Vitamin D3 is synthesized by humans in the skin when it is exposed to ultraviolet-B (UVB) rays from sunlight. Foods may be fortified with vitamin D2 or D3.
Vitamin D Needs and Deficiency

The major biologic function of vitamin D is to maintain normal blood levels of calcium and phosphorus. Vitamin D aids in the absorption of calcium, helping to form and maintain strong bones. Recently, research also suggests vitamin D may provide protection from osteoporosis, hypertension (high blood pressure), cancer, and several autoimmune diseases.

Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium, which your bones need to grow. A lack of vitamin D can lead to bone diseases such as osteoporosis or rickets. Vitamin D also has a role in your nerve, muscle, and immune systems.

Vitamin D is measured as Serum 25-Hydroxy vitamin D levels. A Serum Hydroxy vitamin D level of 10 ng/mL is low, a level of 15 ng/mL is adequate and a level of 200 ng/mL is potentially toxic

Importance of Vitamin D Vitamin D ...

Importance of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is found in many dietary sources such as fish, eggs, fortified milk, and cod liver oil. The sun also contributes significantly to the daily production of vitamin D, and as little as 10 minutes of exposure is thought to be enough to prevent deficiencies. The term “vitamin D” refers to several different forms of this vitamin.
Vitamin D

Two forms of Vitamin D are important in humans: ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) and cholecalciferol (vitamin D3). Vitamin D2 is synthesized by plants. Vitamin D3 is synthesized by humans in the skin when it is exposed to ultraviolet-B (UVB) rays from sunlight. Foods may be fortified with vitamin D2 or D3.
Vitamin D Needs and Deficiency

The major biologic function of vitamin D is to maintain normal blood levels of calcium and phosphorus. Vitamin D aids in the absorption of calcium, helping to form and maintain strong bones. Recently, research also suggests vitamin D may provide protection from osteoporosis, hypertension (high blood pressure), cancer, and several autoimmune diseases.

Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium, which your bones need to grow. A lack of vitamin D can lead to bone diseases such as osteoporosis or rickets. Vitamin D also has a role in your nerve, muscle, and immune systems.

Vitamin D is measured as Serum 25-Hydroxy vitamin D levels. A Serum Hydroxy vitamin D level of 10 ng/mL is low, a level of 15 ng/mL is adequate and a level of 200 ng/mL is potentially toxic

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Eating on Holiday This is a post ...

Eating on Holiday

This is a post that I have written also for my new Family Vacation blog about eating when on vacation.

Vacations are marred by bad eating and not only bad eating but usually our daily schedules are thrown out the window.

When you are away from home it is very common that you eat based on hunger and snacks are almost always bad food. Both of these are very bad and there are ways to avoid it. Last month while on vacation my family was able to conteract this bad eating structure by planning all of our meals and snacks and here is how:

Kitchenette – The hotel we stayed at had a kitchenette and this was easily the best way that we were able to avoid any eating issues. Kids are terrible for not wanting to eat when it is time to eat and then being suddenly starving. With the kitchenette we were able to prepare probably about half of our meals and warm up other meals as well.

Bag o’ snacks – I was the designated backpack carrier and we followed a process that we also used in Disneyland last year of keeping snacks and bottles of water in the bag. Although initially the bag is heavy, over the day the kids are force fed water and eat apples and nectarines and other healthy snacks. Not only does this keep the kids fed but they are happier with a more balanced blood sugar as opposed to just pushing pop and sodas into them all day.

Exercise Ball Exercises Working your...

Exercise Ball Exercises
Working your abs with an exercise ball can be an exhilarating way to get a great workout! Exercise balls are fun and simple, but they add an edge to a workout. The most basic ab routines to do with an exercise ball are a basic crunch and a medicine ball crunch.

Exercise Ball Exercises

A regular crunch will require the use of a larger inflatable exercise ball. These balls are bouncy, and they are used often in low-impact aerobics classes. To do a crunch on them requires more balance than a regular crunch and helps build up your thigh and ab muscles. Put the ball firmly on the ground and then sit on it. Make sure the ball isn’t moving before you lie back.

Your feet will stay on the ground, and you can do a crunch on the ball. Do not try to do as many reps with the exercise ball crunch as you do with regular crunches. Because you will be working on your balance, you will not need to do as many crunches to get a great workout.

The second basic way to work your abs with an exercise ball is to use a medicine ball. These balls are smaller, but they look the same as the large exercise balls. Some medicine balls are tightly inflated, but others are hard.

To do a crunch with a medicine ball, simply do a traditional crunch. Instead of putting your hands behind your head and pulling forward, hold the medicine ball in your hands. As you come up into the crunch, twist your torso slowly to the left. On the next crunch, twist your torso to the right. By doing that, you can build up the muscles along the sides of the abdominal wall.

Once you have mastered working your abs with an exercise ball with these basic routines, you can begin to branch out. Try doing standing crunches and holding the ball against you. Though it may be simple at first, you will discover that your muscles will need to work harder as you try to balance the ball on your midsection.

Exercise Ball Exercises Working your...

Exercise Ball Exercises
Working your abs with an exercise ball can be an exhilarating way to get a great workout! Exercise balls are fun and simple, but they add an edge to a workout. The most basic ab routines to do with an exercise ball are a basic crunch and a medicine ball crunch.

Exercise Ball Exercises

A regular crunch will require the use of a larger inflatable exercise ball. These balls are bouncy, and they are used often in low-impact aerobics classes. To do a crunch on them requires more balance than a regular crunch and helps build up your thigh and ab muscles. Put the ball firmly on the ground and then sit on it. Make sure the ball isn’t moving before you lie back.

Your feet will stay on the ground, and you can do a crunch on the ball. Do not try to do as many reps with the exercise ball crunch as you do with regular crunches. Because you will be working on your balance, you will not need to do as many crunches to get a great workout.

The second basic way to work your abs with an exercise ball is to use a medicine ball. These balls are smaller, but they look the same as the large exercise balls. Some medicine balls are tightly inflated, but others are hard.

To do a crunch with a medicine ball, simply do a traditional crunch. Instead of putting your hands behind your head and pulling forward, hold the medicine ball in your hands. As you come up into the crunch, twist your torso slowly to the left. On the next crunch, twist your torso to the right. By doing that, you can build up the muscles along the sides of the abdominal wall.

Once you have mastered working your abs with an exercise ball with these basic routines, you can begin to branch out. Try doing standing crunches and holding the ball against you. Though it may be simple at first, you will discover that your muscles will need to work harder as you try to balance the ball on your midsection.

Master Cleanse Master cleanse is a...

Master Cleanse

Master cleanse is a diet that is designed to clean your colon and the rest of your insides. This review looks at the success and why this diet works for the people that try it.
Tags: detox, master cleanse, detox diet

The Lemon Diet-Is It Really Useful? ...

The Lemon Diet-Is It Really Useful?

Unless you have been under a rock all this while, you must have heard of the 3-day Detox diet or Master Cleanser Diet, more popularly known as the lemon diet. Do you know that your weight gain is partially caused by toxins and other waste products that get deposited in your body over time?

Lemon is said to act as a detoxifier by cleansing your body of all these toxins. When your body gets rid of these harmful toxins, it not only becomes lighter, but also healthier. Further, after going through detoxification, you would find it easier to lose weight. Now that you know about the pros of detoxification, let’s go into the actual detail of how far useful this lemon diet is.

Apart from cleansing your body of toxins and making you lose a few pounds of weight in the process, lemon diet has many other pros:

1. It boosts your energy level (FYI, a boost in energy level is actually an indication of a boost in your metabolic rate, and keep in mind that the higher your metabolic rate is, the faster you would be able to lose weight), so that you feel more energetic throughout the day.

2. It improves your digestive system, enabling you to digest foods faster and more efficiently. If you suffer from acidity and bloating, lemon diet is the ideal medicine for you.

Friday, April 1, 2011

How to get on the Biggest Loser http:...

How to get on the Biggest Loser

Ab Exercises for People with Back Pai...

Ab Exercises for People with Back Pain

Although it may seem counterintuitive, people experiencing back pain should do Back Pain Exercises with their doctor’s permission. Some types of back pain, especially pain associated with sitting for long stretches, comes from not working out the back muscles enough. As long as there are no injuries, doing basic abdominal exercises is fine.

Ab Exercises for People with Back Pain

Yoga is a form of exercise that improves flexibility and balance through stretching and maintaining poses. Yoga also requires some strength, which is where it can help people with back pain. The poses that serve as an abdominal workout for yoga are poses that require the back to arch outward.

Yoga Back Pain Exercises

These poses can be done standing or lying flat. You simply arch your back outward so that your hands are reaching toward the back of your legs. Holding this pose for up to a minute will strengthen the back muscles and also help the abs.

Other Back Pain Exercises that help with abdominal muscles and back pain are leg lifts.

This exercise, often used in traditional aerobics classes, has no impact but allows you to work your back. Begin by lying on the floor on your side. Put your arm out straight down the length of your torso toward your feet. Lift the top foot until your legs form as close to a 30-degree angle as you can get. Try to hold your leg in this position for a few seconds and then lower. Do several sets of these leg lifts before switching sides. The leg lift should stretch the muscles of the back, helping to relieve pain, while also working on the oblique muscles.

Great place to play in New York

New York actually has a lot to offer young and old, children who use either a little better than playing a great game, movie or otherwise. For those of you who use this pastime, there are many unique opportunities in New York, where you can take part in the games so much and enjoy spending time with friends and family. Astroland Amusement Park on Coney Island has much to offer adventurous players. From the excitement and chills at half way to the Cyclone Roller Coaster and many wonderful rides in between, this park also offers arcade game along the way, where you can play video games of all kinds. This is great for those rainy days when you can not ride on a ride, or simply when it is too hot to stand in a queue. It is also a great experience for father and sun tie play games together and see who has the advantage of the moment. Dave and Busters is a unique dining experience, offering a wide selection of game options. This is not your average arcade food by any means. In fact, it’s not your arcade or their children are playing arcade. Dave and Busters offers good food and great fun under one roof, and if you have the opportunity, I recommend you take a big kid in you to try it out.