Saturday, April 16, 2011

Weight Loss Eating - who are you? ...

Weight Loss Eating - who are you?

I know I have had to curb some of my weight loss eating to lose weight.

When I was young, before I went to bed at night, I got nothing but a few pieces of milk chocolate in colored foil wrappings that my mother bought especially for me, and a glass of milk accompanied by a piece of nearly plain cake or a few cookies. Of course, when there was company, I was allowed a nibble of imported cheese, a stuffed devilled egg, a few beaten biscuits or cold fried chicken, finished off with a dish of ice cream or sherbet or fruit cake.

So you can see why, even now, it's hard for me to stay on the diet I try to follow, and why I've invented special dishes in an effort to recapture some of the forbidden flavors of my youth. But I do diet, which îs better for my figure and, I believe, for my health, than if I stuck with the Arkansas menus of my youth.

Your own problem is undoubtedly a much different one. But I thought you might like to know what I've been up against.

Weight Loss Eating - who are you?

Instead of the luxuries of childhood, the fat person, today, may have had an entirely different upbringing. He may have been too poor. The fare may have been too meager. So he dreamed of the time he could eat all he wanted of rich and, at that time, unattainable food. Food represents to him luxury and, in a way, success. They tell me that when you see a fat man in a restaurant surrounded by young and attractive people--younger and more attractive than he is--and when he is obviously the host, that he is compensating for past poverty and present fat by giving lavishly.

Showing that, as host, he is important, fits in. If he'd diet he'd feel better, and probably live longer and be just as popular. But his very weight, his unnecessary fat, represents, to him, his material success. To those who understand him, it sometimes represents the poverty of his youth--in a way, the fulfilment of his dreams. When he faces things, faces himself, he'll pay more attention to his inner needs, and less attention to attracting others. He'll diet, get a chance to look and feel well, and find that he's more successful, and has more friends than ever before.

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