Thursday, April 7, 2011

How to lose 20 pounds To get start...

How to lose 20 pounds

To get started on any weight loss goal is easy but you need a strategy and tactics in order to lose 20 pounds in a month. Your strategy towards any goal is the broad strokes, the big concepts that are important.

Here is your weight loss strategy
Increase your resting metabolism

Reduce your calorie intake

Quickly burn calories during cardio and weight workouts

Now that you have a strategy to lose 20 pounds in a month so now you need the tactics that will make it a reality. You need radical changes to lose 5 pounds a week.
Your tactics are the individual things that will make your dream work out for you.

Eating Tactics to lose 20 pounds

How to lose 20 Pounds

Plan your eating the day before – If you plan your eating the night before then you are not going to have to worry about getting into a struggle of eating these crappy foods and instead will know what you are going to eat when.

Eat 5 or 6 small meals a day – This is going to help you to raise your metabolism. When you eat often you are sending a message to your body that you are not going to starve and that you will always have enough to eat.

Have leftovers a lot to make it easier to eat good food – If you make giant helpings of meals then you will have lots of leftovers to choose from. One of the problems that I always hear from people is that they are worried that if they have to eat really often then they will spend their whole life preparing meals. this is just not at all the case.

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