Thursday, March 31, 2011

Makes Broadway New York Sing

Whenever I think about traveling to New York, or on vacation or at a distance of one or two day visit I can not help but think of Broadway and the great shows that are waiting in these hallowed halls of entertainment delight. Broadway is the essence of New York to me. This may in turn be bawdy, brawling, loud, loud, soft, romantic, comedic, and rip-roaringly funny. Broadway has it all for those who are willing to look for their perfect fit. The problem with Broadway is that there are so many wonderful shows to see and such limited time (for most of us), in which they see. I do not believe even those who live in New York have enough time to appreciate the artistic treasure, which is represented in this wonderful city that never sleeps. The truth is, that the proper use of all available theater offers to you, I almost never have to sleep alone. New York Musicals It is important to remember that not all programs are available at any time. Check whether the program you will want to watch during the visit, before you get your hopes. On to the musicals, which, incidentally, my favorite types of Broadway entertainment. Chicago Musical, Forbidden Broadway (this offers a fun spoof on Broadway), Jersey Boys, Naked Boys Singing (yes, they are!), Phantom of the Opera, Rent, Wicked and Mama Mia!

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