Saturday, October 8, 2011

How to improve bench press

Everyone wants to know how to improve bench press. How to gain 100 pounds on your bench press. Every weightlifter looks at two different numbers, their max on their bench and the max on their squat. The max on the bench is what people are always asking about and everyone knows that if you were to gain 100 pounds on your bench press that you would have a lot bigger chest.There are four pieces of the puzzle to increasing your bench press by 100 pounds. These four are the planning, the eating, the workouts and the rest.

How to improve bench press

Planning is something that very few weightlifters do. When you go to the gym you workout as hard as you can but very seldom do people working out ever have an idea of what they will be doing in a month. Plan your workouts, plan your eating, and plan when you are going to be taking breaks. This is pretty easy but often we will forget what is the most important part of the workouts and just do the stuff we like best.


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